What I accomplished today!
I picked some blackberries and raspberries from my yard and made 8 half-pints of blackberry jam and 7 half-pints of raspberry jam.
Then I made 5 pints of salsa.

My life is so crazy that I am constantly offering up all my crosses and trials to the Lord! So what can you say to someone next time they start complaining about their day? Tell them to offer it up! The Lord offered up all his sufferings to God, so can we.
"Ignorance of Scripture
is ignorance of Christ."
Linda, I wish that I had married you. A great Catholic, a great mom and a great berry canner, too!
Do you grow the berries? I have blackberry bushes in my backyard-love them! But my pride and joy is my grape vine arbor. I get really busy in September and October making lots and lots of jelly. I usually give away about 80 jars at Christmas time and still have enough for my family to eat all year!
I do grow my own blackberries and raspberries. My brother gave me 6 little transplants a few years ago and now they have taken over a big huge area. Behind them is my grapes which I have yet to can any. I will have to get the recipe from you. I don't have my own blueberries yet. But someday I hope too. My favorite is the Raspberries and they have grown underneath the big leaves from the grapes and they shade seems to be providing me with huge berries this year. God knows what he is doing for sure having them side by side.
Oh and Paul, you are so funny. I know plenty of Catholic woman who would love to make you some jam and jellies just send them my way and I will teach them. lol
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